SOURCE: Stephen Bennie (who is in the white shirt in front of Rory; also, don’t pester him)
DATE TAKEN: 21 June 2019 (?)
DATE POSTED: 21 June 2019
ORIGINAL: Mr. Bennie friends-only’d the photo after I posted this. Unclear whether the two facts are related. (The FOing was not immediate.)
ARCHIVE: Internet Archive was not working on my first archive attempt. Can no longer attempt.
NOTE: Taken above the Arctic Circle, in Norway, with Robert Plant (guy in gray shirt and long hair next to Rory). When I first uploaded this I did not know what was going on. Later I ran across Robert Plant on Instagram, wondered if he had a picture of Rory (he didn’t) and, while searching for that, discovered Plant had been giving a concert in Norway during this exact period. Mystery solved. This may be backstage or it could be in an entirely different setting.
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