All right! Everything that had been missing thanks to the hosting transfer is now back in. Except the header photos but we already saw I was being indecisive about those. But I’ve got a pretty one of Rory up from Alexander and he’ll do for now. Mrowl.
(Sorry, Mrs. McCann. That was a platonic mrowl.)
There are a couple things that make me absolutely happy with New Host besides the price (you might have missed this: I paid ahead for a year and it was less than fifty bucks all together). One, I can afford a security certificate for this site now. (The price is even righter than for the hosting.) Two, I don’t have to pay for domain privacy. I am not ready to get a post office box yet, though I want one, and domain privacy is the next best thing if my host is fucking cool and lets me have it for free. YAY.
Okay. I am going to tweak one or two more things here and then I’ll call it Good For Now. I already changed some things that I had missed even before the transfer. All better now. I’m sure I will find more things I overlooked eventually, but I think the worst stuff’s better.
There are more changes coming, but they’ll be building on or improving what’s here. So look forward to that.