Game Of Thrones: Sophie Turner On Sansa Stark’s Blackwater Bravery [Excerpt]

SOURCE: Access Online
AUTHOR: Jolie Lash
DATE: 29 May 2012
ORIGINAL: Click here
ARCHIVE: Click here
NOTE: Excerpt only, just because I like the little side conversation about Rory. Obviously, go to the original or archive links to read the rest.


Access: Speaking of music, Rory [McCann, who plays The Hound] told me at the very beginning of the season that he had a guitar on set and the kids on set would ask him to play songs from ‘Glee.’ Is this true and were you a part of it?

Sophie: Oh, I didn’t know this… I remember once, we were in Scotland and we were shooting the pilot, Rory got up on the piano and started playing in this bar in Scotland and everyone was joining in. It was really nice.

Access: He seems like a fun guy, but I would be weary of his pranks.

Sophie: Rory? Yeah, I can definitely see this. He’s a really cool guy though. He’s so nice and I don’t think he gets enough credit for his work. He’s awesome. I love him.