New from Rory: Tornado

You’ve all heard about this and seen the stills on social media by now; I’m just marking it here, particularly as they’ve already held the premiere this week. I had actually meant to post about this several days ago, but crashed and burned.

Rory seems to be playing a bad guy again though, if this follows his dominant pattern, maybe it’s a bad guy with a few good-guy tendencies. (Or maybe not. We’ll just have to watch to find out. Or spoil ourselves reading the Wikipedia synopsis which, at least for now, I refuse to do.)

But… his character’s nickname is “Kitten.” I LOLed a bit.

Here ’tis:

Rory McCann in Tornado

Also, I first heard of this from a Facebook post, and not even from a Rory McCann fan. Hey Google Alerts? BOOOOO. 👎👎👎

New from Rory: Ahsoka!

Possibly as a sort of digital birthday present for me today, someone posted a Nerdist article to my wall about a new gig the big man’s got. I was excited, but reserved judgment because while I think Nerdist is probably a reliable source, I wanted to see news from other reliable sources before I got too excited.

Well! It’s true. The big man is joining the Star Wars universe!

I know it’s Ahsoka and that one’s not supposed to be all that great. I don’t care. Apparently the character he’ll be playing is a pretty good character. That works fine for me.

He’s also posted some new stuff on his Instagram, so go enjoy that if you haven’t seen it already.

New from Rory: Gladiator II!


Killer Pairing: First “Gladiator II” Trailer to Debut in Theaters Ahead of “Deadpool & Wolverine”



I LOVE Gladiator. Love love love love LOVE. Is it historically accurate? Probably not, but it’s a ripper of a story. Also pretty much the only reason I like Russell Crowe, who of course will not be in the sequel for I hope obvious reasons.

But the big man will be there! Hopefully not in a bit part where his character dies ten minutes later. I don’t recognize the character’s name and a Google search yields nothing useful (though it does yield a couple strange bits), though, so I don’t like his chances. Sniff.

But he’ll be there, dammit. If there’s one way I love to see the big man onscreen if he’s not gonna be kilted, I LOVE seeing him in what nerds call “period garb.” He’s always seemed a bit… out of his time to me.

Sorry to post this so close to shit getting weird from the site migration. I’m about to work on the prep now. I had an idea for making things run smoother… we’ll see if it works.

New from Rory: Jackdaw!

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I finally got something GOOD from Google Alerts! It’s been months! Or so!

He is in a new film called Jackdaw. Looks like another action/thriller flick. He does well in those. (Well, when they don’t kill off his character in the first ten minutes. Or make you wait til the last half-hour to see him. Oh SHUT UP Dana… This is good news!)

No idea who he’s playing. This is the first I’ve even heard of it. Jenna Coleman from Doctor Who (she played Clara in Eleven and Twelve’s time) is also in it, so that should be fun.


ADDITIONAL NOTE: If you google the name of this film you will bring up at least two other works with the same title, one of which was released last year and has a familiar face in it (not Rory’s). Neither of those is the one I’m talking about. If you go down either rabbit hole and don’t see the big man, don’t come yell at me on Instagram in my Hidden Requests folder, because (1) I warned you and (2) you’re the fucker didn’t pay attention to the release year. So pay attention. You’re welcome.

[edit edit, two days later]

Here’s a review! Rory plays… [drumroll] …a crime boss called Armstrong.

Sweet Baby Jesus please tell me the character’s first name is not Michael

The *other* Rory McCann character named Armstrong... yarrrp

…I’m not making fun of Rory. Promise. Actually, call it intuition, but I have a feeling this is going to be one more morally ambiguous Supposed To Be A Bad Guy but Rory will somehow make him Interesting. That’s not Rory’s pattern or anything, y’know. What can I say.

That, or he’ll be onscreen for like three minutes and send Our Hero in some kind of new direction. I dunno.