Administrivia: 30 August 2024

I don’t know how seriously I take ScreenRant’s ability to assess which TV characters have the best scary-to-cuddly arcs, but I will say they ranked the Hound well above Negan from The Walking Dead, which is saying something.

I would recommend TWD to Rory, but as we more… dedicated? …fans are aware, Rory’s not into horror films. Ends up covering his eyes against the jump scares and such. Can’t see him making an exception for gory TV shows. I have no room to talk. When I used to binge TWD, I’d make sure I was knitting or crocheting something so I could look down at strategic moments. Not gonna say Rory’s a gigantic fanny because that would be really mean (and untrue, except possibly when he’s pranking around on set), but I looked less like one when I could fake having to watch what I was doing with my hands. Not that it was fake. I really did have to watch. But you know what I mean.

Never did knit anything for Rory, though as I understand it, he did get quite a few knitted things from fans. Do I want to know? Probably not.

But hey big man, if you’re ever in the market for a handknitted hat (you’re not), you know where I am. I completely sympathize with having a huge cranium. I don’t know if the UK has the same hat-size system as the USA, but on this side of the pond I wear a seven and a half. As with shoes, designers of women’s hats assume we’re all on the small side. It’s so ridiculous.

Okay, I will stop nattering at y’all for now. It’s just been a while so I figured it was babble time.

Administrivia: 16 August 2024

For those of you who are newer, you may be surprised to learn that Sandor “The Hound” Clegane, Rory McCann’s most popular role, isn’t actually my favorite role he’s done. That label more properly applies to Kenny McLeod, the sweet guy in the wheelchair who featured in The Book Group in 2002-2003.

Rory McCann as Sandor "The Hound" Clegane, about to throw down with Brienne of Tarth in season four

But that doesn’t mean I don’t like Rory as Clegane, of course.


So I just wanted to peek in and mention that I’ve been seeing reels of the Hound on Facebook and YouTube and I gotta say, if Rory had any notion that fans have forgotten him, I’m happy to report that is not the case. In fact, I just saw some comments today asserting that the Hound was the best character in the entire Game of Thrones show.

"I have ahmah.  And a big fuggin sword."

THE best. Not third-best, not tenth-best, not “hey he had a cool cameo that one time, didn’t he?” THE best.

Kristofer Hivju and Rory McCann from the set of Game of Thrones (3 of 4) posted to Instagram 7 May 2019

Made my heart happy to see. Thought I’d pass on the happy. 💛🖤

You will pry this from my cold dead fucking hands (yep... still got it)

Administrivia: 05 August 2024

Was dusting off my personal Twitter (I will never get used to calling it X) and started following Emptage Hallett and damned if they didn’t have a photo of my dude from his turn in The Damned.

Rory McCann in The Damned

Love the big man all wild-looking like this. I don’t know if I’ll be able to see the film ever, but it ups my chances if it’s ever released on DVD. Ahem.

Administrivia: 30 July 2024

Seeing Rory’s Instagram story today reminded me: I got a message the other day from someone, I have no idea who, claiming affiliation with him and advising me to report anyone I saw impersonating him. I didn’t reply, because for all I know THAT was an imposter pretending to be affiliated with him. Did not see a need to encourage the behavior. But in case she reads here: Yes ma’am, I did get your message and I assure you, I already report these assholes. No problemo.

But I’ll spell it out again: This is Rory McCann’s only legitimate Instagram account. Accept no substitutes. I don’t even have a Rory-related account there anymore. I shut it down a couple years ago.

A funny story related to this: When I had the fan Instagram, I got a direct message once from a lady wrestler. I can’t remember her name and probably wouldn’t tell you if I could. She thought I was Rory and thanked me for supporting her career. I knew he takes the nephews to professional wrestling matches, or he used to, so I figured that had something to do with it — he probably met her backstage or something. Also I suspect he’s into brown-eyed blondes, and she was at least one-half of that description. So that likely added to the fandom quotient. But anyway, I informed her that sorry, no, I wasn’t Rory, just a fan IG about him — which, by the way, it always stated that in my profile, which she would have had to see when she went to message me so I’m not sure what happened there. She went quiet after that. Not even an “oops, my bad.” I found the whole thing amusing anyway. If there was ANY flirtation there whatsoever, thank fuck she didn’t try it in the DMs. Talk about awkward…

But anyhoo… please stop DMing me about this shit. I don’t know who you are, I’m already aware that Rory-impersonation is a big problem (as it is for most celebrities actually), and I do report them when I see them. I suggest you all do the same. IG will take them down faster.

Wish they’d do something about the lunatic who took up my real-name handle and stole my photo. I have lost count of how many times I’ve reported that asshole. But I’m not important at all, so what can you do.

Administrivia: 25 July 2024

Does it count as a sighting if the big man himself is reporting it?

There is definitely one other person aboard, which was also true when he went to Norway (he’s in Norway) five years ago. Probably the missus. Last time (or five years ago; he’s probably gone since) it was the guy from his home marina. I can’t fathom sailing a boat that size on that far of a trip all by yourself, though I’m sure there are people mad enough to try it. But also, someone would have to hold the phone to photograph him, sooooo.

I wonder if he’s just going because he likes Norway, or if there’s another concert, which is what it was five years ago. (Robert Plant! Who, I heard, actually invited him. Big Game of Thrones fan? Possibly.) Maybe we’ll hear at some point and maybe we won’t. Keeps it close to the vest, does oor Rory.


P.S. I actually saw his post ON THE SAME DAY. Not three weeks later. World fuckin’ record!

[edit] Oh for fuck’s sake. I SAW his words “Throwback Thorsday” and my mind skated RIGHT over them. Know what this is? It’s THE trip to Norway from FIVE YEARS AGO.

Because I KNEW I had seen that sweater (jumper) before. He was wearing it then! I saw pics of him in it.

Okay I’m gonna go feel dumb now. Don’t mind me. I thought it was weird he was giving coordinates…

Administrivia: 06 July 2024

[singsong] Somebody’s gonna get suuuuued [/singsong]

But… If you ever wanted Rory McCann in your bed, I suppose this is as good a way as any, and better than most. For one thing, he can keep his marriage vows. Convenient!

Here’s the archived page because even if the seller’s not sued or taken down, eBay listings eventually expire. You’re welcome.

NO, I’m not getting this, though I could use some bedsheets. I would like his poster from this film but for bedsheets, if I ever do lose my everlovin’ mind, I’d prefer him in his thirties and a kilt. He got way too far into the bad-guy thing as he got older and, well, I still find him quite appealing, but… you know.

Anyway. How ’bout them Mets. I’m gonna go… get some more coffee. Yeah. That’s it.

Okay… we’re there

All right! Everything that had been missing thanks to the hosting transfer is now back in. Except the header photos but we already saw I was being indecisive about those. But I’ve got a pretty one of Rory up from Alexander and he’ll do for now. Mrowl.

(Sorry, Mrs. McCann. That was a platonic mrowl.)

There are a couple things that make me absolutely happy with New Host besides the price (you might have missed this: I paid ahead for a year and it was less than fifty bucks all together). One, I can afford a security certificate for this site now. (The price is even righter than for the hosting.) Two, I don’t have to pay for domain privacy. I am not ready to get a post office box yet, though I want one, and domain privacy is the next best thing if my host is fucking cool and lets me have it for free. YAY.

Okay. I am going to tweak one or two more things here and then I’ll call it Good For Now. I already changed some things that I had missed even before the transfer. All better now. I’m sure I will find more things I overlooked eventually, but I think the worst stuff’s better.

There are more changes coming, but they’ll be building on or improving what’s here. So look forward to that.

Still puttering

I found I had not fixed the comment functioning: to wit, I hadn’t turned it off. Grumble. But I think we’re good now. I’ll know when this post publishes.

No I am not done adding the pics back in! I AM SO SORRY

I got sidetracked. That’s happening a lot lately. I’m also wrestling with depression, which is probably why. There is a specific reason for it which I never spell out anywhere because, on top of the shit I’ve already been handed in the past three years, this is a new wrinkle and me spelling it out might cause me local problems. So I won’t. There is nothing I can do about it anyway, if I’m right in my assessment of the situation.

Okay. But I’m in front of this thing now and I SHOULD, no promises, finish it today. Um, not FINISH finish — there’s always something to add, it seems — but at least get stuff back mostly to how it was? Right. There you go.

Am debating about the header though. Do I want to put that completely back how it was? Because I’ve long been contemplating taking it in a different direction. But I am nowhere near ready to try the other thing I wanted to try, so. I dunno. We’ll see.

[edit] Yep, that worked! No more comment box. Woohoo!

Administrivia: 28 June 2024

Okay y’all, it’s crunch time. I have everything lined up that I need to line up to be able to put images back where they’re supposed to be. The problem had not been as large as I had imagined it, I’ve just been dragging ass.

(I got a diabetes diagnosis back in March and I am actually doing far better with that now, but I think I’m still traumatized from the past three years, to state it baldly. Working on it, but I still have my moments. Lots of them.)

So I am setting up the new target for the domain DNS right now. What will happen is you will continue to see this website for most of the day tomorrow, and then tomorrow night about half an hour before midnight, shit will go down. Or you’ll load the website and it’ll just be a generic WordPress instance. DO NOT PANIC. That is just me needing to get in there and import the site file and also install the theme and the custom settings. If I’m feeling REALLY ambitious I’ll get at least a few header photos in too. NO PROMISES. That needs work anyway. (Yeah, what the fuck doesn’t here.)

Unless I’m exhausted tomorrow night, likely I’ll at least get the text-based content (blog posts, articles) set up. If I’m awake and frisky, I may get most of the work done. Let’s find out!

Okay. Back into the fray. Just wanted to let you know what to expect.

New from Rory: Gladiator II!


Killer Pairing: First “Gladiator II” Trailer to Debut in Theaters Ahead of “Deadpool & Wolverine”



I LOVE Gladiator. Love love love love LOVE. Is it historically accurate? Probably not, but it’s a ripper of a story. Also pretty much the only reason I like Russell Crowe, who of course will not be in the sequel for I hope obvious reasons.

But the big man will be there! Hopefully not in a bit part where his character dies ten minutes later. I don’t recognize the character’s name and a Google search yields nothing useful (though it does yield a couple strange bits), though, so I don’t like his chances. Sniff.

But he’ll be there, dammit. If there’s one way I love to see the big man onscreen if he’s not gonna be kilted, I LOVE seeing him in what nerds call “period garb.” He’s always seemed a bit… out of his time to me.

Sorry to post this so close to shit getting weird from the site migration. I’m about to work on the prep now. I had an idea for making things run smoother… we’ll see if it works.