Administrivia: 18 February 2025

Sorry for my long silence here. I’ve been neglecting a whole bunch of stuff I shouldn’t be, one item of which I’m actually getting paid for, and I’m fairly disgusted with myself but hopefully I’m coming out the other side of it and can get on with things.

I wanted to drop in and say something because I just got the news about Denzil Meyrick today.

If you’re going “what’s that got to do with Rory?” then you’re new to the fandom, right? Meyrick wrote/ was writing a series of crime novels about a character named Jim Daley, a police officer in Scotland, and in recent years had been working on bringing DCI Daley to television. He posted on Facebook wondering aloud who his fans would want to see in the role, and they put him onto Rory as a candidate. Last I heard there had been filming of the pilot episode but I’ve heard nothing beyond that. The way TV works, the creators will put together the pilot episode and then shop it around to various networks and maybe it’ll get picked up and maybe it won’t. Rory’s already featured in at least one TV series that didn’t get picked up. You may have seen the video of the ad for it on YouTube.

I don’t know if that will be the fate of the DCI Daley series. It could go either way, really, if the decision has not already been made; they could say, “Oh, Meyrick has passed away so let’s drop this because it won’t be the same without him,” or they could say, “Oh no, Meyrick has passed away so let’s make this happen in his honor.” We’ll just have to wait and see.

One thing’s for sure: the news doesn’t say (as far as I’ve seen) what took Meyrick from us, but he didn’t see it coming. His recent Facebook posts indicate he expected to have a full year. There will be one more DCI Daley novel coming out this summer, apparently, for instance. All I can think is it was one of those things that tends to take us middle-aged people off when we least expect it. I always say that from ages forty to sixty we’re really running a deadly gauntlet and if we can make it to sixty we’ll be okay for a while yet. I am sorry for Denzil’s family, friends, and fans that that was not the case for him.