Administrivia: 03 September 2024


Remember how I used to screenshot The Book Group off of Tubi? And then they took it off Tubi and I was mad?

Happy to report there are at least TWO Rory films on Tubi currently! Solomon Kane‘s there (search for it), but best of all? Beowulf and Grendel is there! I LOVE Rory as Breca. He did great in this one. I’ve also long wondered if doing this film was what got him bit with the boating bug. (It is definitely what kicked off his love affair with Iceland!)

Also see SK, although don’t expect to see the big man immediately — he turns up pretty far into the film, but he’s kind of funny in that one. There had been talk of it being the first film in a trilogy, so we probably would have seen more of his character, who I think was a lot more important in the original comics. But what can you do. Turned out for the best, I guess; I doubt he’d have had time for Game of Thrones if he’d still been filming those when that started.

[edit] Also the UK version of Shameless. I believe that’s the first two episodes of Season (series) 3. That’s the one where Rory plays the priest. Now, he’s kind of awkward in that one but (1) nervous actor — we’ve all known that from way back — and (2) I’m suspicious, just based on the lines he had, that the awkwardness might have been part of the point. I think the writers were taking the piss with the institution of the Catholic Church, just a bit. Which actually might have been why Rory took the role. I wish entertainment writers would ask better questions in interviews. ‘Cause there’s shit I end up wondering about and I never get to find out because big man hides out in Scotland and never talks to anyone. GRUMP.

Okay. Have fun with all of that. ‘Later, kids.

[edited again] Did you ever see Sixty-Six? It was another Rory film, except he just has a bit part in it near the end. It’s about a Jewish boy who’s about to have his bar mitzvah and it just happens to be scheduled on the same day as the World Cup. Anyway, the actor who plays the boy’s father is the same guy who played the Irish priest in Beowulf and Grendel. I don’t know why I didn’t notice that last time. Possibly I had seen B&G first, and then the other, and it didn’t even register. I also find that if I’m screenshotting something then my focus is very different than when I am just watching it straight. So maybe that was the problem. I wasn’t screenshotting this time.

Still, I wonder if Rory remembered the dude from one film to the other. That would have been cool.