Administrivia: 05 October 2024

Oh hey, hi! I know it’s been a bit since I last updated. Honestly I need to quit doing these sorts of updates here, but I’m not gonna beat myself up too badly about it until I get this thing sorted out to where I wanted it to be in the first place. I’ve been procrastinating again. Bad Admin.

But! Someone messaged me recently on Instagram to ask me about Rory’s middle name. Because other people might be wondering, here’s my logic process with that whole subject.

Basically, no one’s got a source “proving” Rory’s middle name is Phillip (or Philip). I used to see it on Wikipedia but there was no source cited for it. And since I have seen it there, it’s been removed. If there were anything to back it up I feel like it would have been cited with a source and not edited out.

However, I did find a website that specializes in astrological birth charts for celebrities, and they claim they’ve seen his birth certificate. And they say his middle name is Frederick (and also that he was born in Paisley, which, I have had another fan inform me that he’s been sighted there, and perhaps he was visiting family?). I realize that’s not a much better source than Wikipedia since I don’t even know if I could acquire a copy of his birth certificate to follow up and verify, and I really don’t want to try to do that anyway because hello, creepy. But I feel like if they had incorrect information, maybe someone would have contacted them about it by now and they’d have corrected their information. But lo, here we are. If you want to try to contact them, be my guest. I’m moderately satisfied their information is accurate.

As to the other sorta-question I got from this person, about whether people have seen him in public with his wife? Yes. This has happened at several restaurants and pubs and even when they haven’t personally seen her, sometimes he mentions her in conversations with management or staff. What convinced me that accounts of his marital status are valid is that one pub he visited last year (two Januaries ago; quite memorably, it was soon after I went homeless and on the day after my birthday so that was one fuckarow of a week) told me by DM that he’d told them that his wife had set up his Instagram. I still have that conversation in my DMs, in fact, though I will not be telling you who the pub is. I recall that when he was in Portugal in 2020 and a restaurant owner there spoke of seeing him with his wife, the fangirls harassed the owner until he deleted his restaurant’s Instagram. That was a shitty thing to do to him. Marital status is public knowledge for a reason and it still wasn’t something worth ruining his social-media life over. So I am not going to facilitate that happening to anyone else. If you don’t want to take me at my word, I completely understand because you don’t know me from Eve. But you’re going to have to take me at my word, because that’s all you’re getting.

(Why was this pub talking with me via DM? I had said something in their comments and they were following up. And that conversation ended very abruptly so I suspect someone fussed at someone else behind the scenes like “Wait! Don’t tell her things!” It wouldn’t surprise me. But there you go.)

I still personally want to know if he was married yet when he went to Norway in 2019. Just an idle curiosity because it’s mostly none of my business. But — and I think I’ve mentioned this before — I do appreciate that he works so hard to protect his wife’s privacy. That woman would not last six months under you fangirls’ gentle ministrations and I bet Rory knows it. Yes, I find him quite attractive too. Plus he’s only five years older than me and weird in some of the ways I’m weird. Do you think I like this situation either? But at the same time I’m really pleased for him that he’s apparently found that sort of happiness (he’s always had other kinds). And given how long it took him to find it, it’s got to be all the sweeter for that. He did introduce me to Scotland in a big way, too (almost as big as he is!), and I’ll always be grateful.

And I still get to admire him from afar. And that’s even more fun than Dutch ovens and divorces.

Besides, these days I’ve got an in-person infatuation and I’m spending too many emotional and mental spoons trying to figure that out to fret overmuch about a guy half a world away who wouldn’t be attracted to me in the first place. I need to do something about my fondness for unavailable men (officially this other guy is single; emotionally, I’m not so sure), but at least he’s really nice, and we seem to be forming some sort of friendship. So that’s been an interesting plot twist this year. So… famous man? What famous man?

Nah, I’m kidding. I still enjoy running this site even if I’m shit at updating it. I expect I’ll do another little burst of work here soon. Won’t promise when. ‘Later…